Know what Predictive Analysis is all about
Predictive Analysis
Can we know our future? Well, an interesting field to
discuss. An enthusiastic reply would be may be or a yes. But clearly relying on
such prediction for our daily needs? Can we think of the level of uncertainty
and still proceed?
With an emphasis on the past data, upon rapid analyzing gives
future predictive results which can be useful for business interests. Not just
in for Business interests, we have been following these predictions in our
daily activities without even thinking about it. And hence thereby we can
influence the future simply from the data. Listening to data gives the best clues
for our future.
“Will you get Diabetes
as a heredity?”
“Will your company run
in future with effective profits considering the inflation rates?”“Stock prices to rise or fall”
Well the process is
simply to get an insight into the data but cannot confirm anything for sure.
Where and how can we
use it?
Predictive Analytics and data mining solutions for the
enterprise are currently available from a number of companies including SAS (Predictive Analytics Suite), IBM (SPSS) and Microsoft (Dynamic CRM Analytics). Predictive analytics software can
be deployed on premises for users or in cloud platform for team based
How it works?
Predictive Analysis basically involves combining capabilities
of predictive modeling, Big Data mining, Real-time Business Intelligence (BI), Data visualization and more to
check emerging trends. These disciplines also involve rigorous data analysis,
and are widely used in business for segmentation and decision making, but
different purposes and the statistical techniques underlying them vary. We can
detect and prevent threats to guide frontline decisions with future insights.
Can group of predictions
make the future?
There have been many more interesting improvements in the
core technology of predictive analytics. Persuasion modeling, which predicts
influence - in order to do influence. The Obama campaign used it for 2012
presidential election; marketing uses it to persuade customers; and medicine
uses it for selecting better patient treatments. Like the collective
intelligence that spawns the wisdom of a crowd of people, we see the same
effect with a crowd of predictive models. Each model alone may be totally
primitive as of a few simple rules, so it might get prediction wrong a lot, as
an individual person trying to predict also does. But having them come together
as a group and there emerges a new level of predictive performance.Amoeba Technologies Core Team | | 24 x 7 Support No: +91-8886516000