What is Operational Reporting and its importance...
Operational Reporting
In this era of data where so many organizations and so many customers, and with that so much of data gets generated each and every second or minute. Therefore, IT consultants comes into picture where they can suggest, the importance of operational reporting and it benefits and tell them to understand the bigger picture and its future benefits which can be gained upon reporting and analysis over the data over a period of time.
So, this article is dedicated to brief about operational reporting and its benefits…Happy Reading!!!
Firstly, what is Operational Reporting?
In data processing operational reporting is reporting about operational details that reflects current activity. Operational reporting is intended to support the day-to-day activities of the organization. "Examples of operational reporting include bank teller end-of-day window balancing reports, daily account audits and adjustments, daily production records, flight-by-flight traveler logs and transaction logs.
Why Operational Reporting?
Operational reports help to deliver the below benefits to an organization for the smoother operation functioning and plan its business process to excel and achieve their Business goals.
Real Time Reporting – Help to provide most recent information to its consumer. For example, to know how many Items have been shipped and how many ready to be shipped in next 2 hours, customer wants to know the status of order placed, etc…
Detailed Information – To visualize the data in its lowest level of granularity. For example, to show the list of customer with their location and phone number who have ordered particular items and in last 1 hour, Customer wants to know the contact details of the executive who taking take of the order…
Flexibility – To achieve flexibility and functionality to enable end users to create their own specific views of the data
Who are Target End Users for Operational Reporting?
Line of Business Management (LOB) and Staff
Why Us?
We at Amoeba Technologies are SME’s in developing an Operational/Adhoc reporting solution for our customers to deliver meaningful reports which are required to get some quick answers for the smooth functioning of the Business and to get speedy data insights for operational excellence at your Business.
So what are you waiting for, give us an opportunity to leverage your dreams and start gripping the Business benefits…
Thanks and regards,
Amoeba Technologies Core Team
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